All the benefits, at a glance:
* Significant reduction in wort loss
* Lower production costs per hectoliter of beer
* Automatic control for optimal yield
Clear wort
* Adjustable impeller for seamless conversion to the requirements of different recipes and hot trubs
* Clarified wort is discharged under pressure
Optimal process management
* Continuous, automatic operation
* Shorter hold time in whirlpool
Recovery of beer from surplus yeast
The best way to significantly reduce beer evaporation is to recover beer from surplus yeast after fermentation or storage. Like the old German saying, we follow the motto "preventing the hops and malt from being lost" to generate two valuable products from yeast recovery. First there is the beer, which can be returned to the process, then there is the yeast. This yeast can be sold, for example, to be processed further within the food industry as a vitamin-rich nutritional supplement or animal feed. Simple process, highest quality, lower costs - the Shenzhou Sedicanter This system handles the beer being processed with utmost care. In addition, it can also easily process fluctuating concentrations of input yeast.
All the benefits, at a glance:
* Reduced beer evaporation
* Careful processing of beer
* Yeast cake with high dry solids content
* Less wastewater
* Easy to integrate into existing processes
Highest-quality workmanship
* Machine design specifically adapted to high hygienic requirements of breweries
* Easy integration into brewery's CIP system
Safe and careful processing
*Clever design for consistent product quality
Beer recovery from spent hops - dry hopping
In recent years, dry hopping has gone from being a trend, especially popular with up-and-coming craft breweries, to an established technique within the entire brewing industry. If you ask 100 brewers when they add the hops, you will get 100 different responses. We are always happy to give you the information you need to brew how you want in spite of modernization and the use of newer technology.
For craft brewers in particular, the character of their beer is very important. A small change to the taste of the beer can result in a completely different aroma. Unlike industrial breweries, a craft brewery often has less space and production capacity, making it all the more important to get the most out of their existing resources.
After extraction, the dissolved hop pellets settle at the bottom of the storage tank, where they are traditionally siphoned off to protect downstream processes. This process allows hops solids, as well as a large proportion of fresh beer, to migrate into the channel.
Shenzhou decanters separate hop residue from high-grade beer and return this beer to the storage and production process. This improves the yield while also decreasing the amount of wastewater.
All the benefits, at a glance:
* Significant reduction in beer loss
* Up to 99% particle separation
* Less load on centrifuges and beer filters
* Reduced wastewater load
* Fully automatable
* Additional beer recovery from yeast sediment or from alternative flavor carriers (herbs, fruits, peanut butter, coffee)
Efficient cleaning
All "critical" areas, like the hood, rotor, solids discharge, and other parts that come into contact with the product, are rinsed
with the CIP solution or specifically cleaned by spray nozzles.
High yield
By adjusting the centrifuge to different hop quantities or recipes, up to 97% of the beer volume can be recovered from hops sediment.
Beer clarification
Beer filtration is one of the biggest challenges for brewers. Shenzhou recognizes this and has optimized its separators